We can sell you a company in several ways
If you have EUR 7,500.00,
you can buy a company for as little as EUR 600.00.
In this case, you can buy a company that has a share capital (EUR 7,500.00) on its transaction bank account, which is immediately available to you for business purposes.
The price of EUR 600.00 already includes our costs and the costs of a notary for the purchase of one personal company.
The advantage of a company purchased in this way, over establishing one, is that we establish it for you and prepare all the necessary documentation, thus saving you time and travel.
The establishing process takes you from 1 to 3 days, going to AJPES twice, and visiting a bank, plus an additional 7 to 30 days to register your business in court (depending on the seat of the company).
When buying through us, you only need 30 minutes to visit a notary and wait 1-3 days for the change of the owner to be visible on the AJPES website.
If you currently do not have EUR 7,500.00
Give us a call and we will find a solution that suits you best.
The price of the company in this case amounts to EUR 635.00, plus the notarial cost, which is EUR 172.00 – 292.00 for a single-person limited liability company. The price of notary fees depends on the notary at which the company is purchased.
The purchase can be performed at a notary in Ljubljana, Maribor, or Celje.
We can also only help you set up a company.
If you need an older company because of the specifics of the business, we can offer you companies that were founded in 2014, 2015, and 2016 and are suitable for some tenders, work abroad, etc. These companies have never been in business, and are free of any restrictive covenants, but the price is adjusted to the age of the business. Call or e-mail us for more information.
What we need from you
- information about the owner/s
- information about the representative/s
- company name
- address or registered office
- business activity